• Hardy and beautiful Nolina from mexico
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    Drought tolerant, heat resistant, severe frost resilient, low maintenance and the architectural shape makes this plant a wonderful addition to the tropical, exotic, desert or rock garden. Hesperaloes are also well suited for the container or planter culture for the Patio or the Balcony
  • Terscheckii is possibly the hardiest of the columnar growing cacti and is most suited for our climate as it is tolerant to moisture.  Can withstand temperature to -10 or lower for short periods.
  • The rare and highly sought after Dasylirion longissimum, very hardy and very beautiful.  
  • Can also be referred to as Nolina longifolia, it is a trunk-forming species which with age becomes multi-stemmed, with each trunk reaching up to 3m in height which is topped off with a head of strap-like foliage. Plant in full sun/part shady, frost hardy, keep on dry side, tolerates to -6°C or lower
  • Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the correct name for a plant long known as Dasylirion longissimum. It is a succulent plant related to Yucca and Agave that slowly grows a thick, beautifully scarred trunk from which erupts a tufted head of narrow, rigid, 4-angled green leaves, each with a slightly withered tip, reminiscent of a fibre-optic lamp.
  • Yucca linearifolia ‘blue form’, also called Y.linearis. It has flexible, short green leaves up to 30-50 cm long, forming a perfectly spherical head. If through circumstances the base of the trunk is rotten, it can be cut off and the plant will make new roots via de outer trunk layer. Another remarkable quality is that if the crown is rotten you can treat it for mould and this plant will make new crowns. This plant can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees Celsius.
  • Xanthorrhoea are impressive plants that originate in Australia. They are also known Australian grass trees or black boy...

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