• Hardiest of the ornamental bananas, it is grown for it dramatic and tough leaves. Very easy to grow, prefers full sun or partial shade.  Hardy to -8 and grows to ultimate height of 150 cm It originates from the high altitudes of Yunan, China Prices vary as to size of plant
  • An architectural feature plant, gives dramatic effect. Exotic foliage and is fast growing.  It has  stunning large, velvety feaves, suited to fertile soil and place in full sun.  Can grow up to 2 to 3 m.  Feed regularly. Can be overwintered outdoors but protect the roots with mulch and wrap crown, best to bring indoors and store in large pot. Prices vary as per size of banana
  • These alocasias have dark green, arrow leaves and are significantly easier to look after than some of their family. Their thick woody trunks enable them to store water for longer periods of time, making them fairly drought tolerant. Likes light areas but not in direct sunlight. Water regularly but not too much,  let the top soil dry out before watering, they do not like to be overwatered.
  • Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the correct name for a plant long known as Dasylirion longissimum. It is a succulent plant related to Yucca and Agave that slowly grows a thick, beautifully scarred trunk from which erupts a tufted head of narrow, rigid, 4-angled green leaves, each with a slightly withered tip, reminiscent of a fibre-optic lamp.

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