Dasylirion Longissimum (Toothless Sotol)


Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the correct name for a plant long known as Dasylirion longissimum. It is a succulent plant related to Yucca and Agave that slowly grows a thick, beautifully scarred trunk from which erupts a tufted head of narrow, rigid, 4-angled green leaves, each with a slightly withered tip, reminiscent of a fibre-optic lamp.

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Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the correct name for a plant long known as Dasylirion longissimum. It is a succulent plant related to Yucca and Agave that slowly grows a thick, beautifully scarred trunk from which erupts a tufted head of narrow, rigid, 4-angled green leaves, each with a slightly withered tip, reminiscent of a fibre-optic lamp.

The Toothless Sotol seems quite adaptable, having sailed though the last two winters in many gardens outside in the UK, and is the perfect companion for yucca and agave in milder gardens. It is equally happy given pot culture and moved somewhere dry and frost-free for winter.


From £47.50 to £250

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